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The very early pieces of Henri Dutilleux, by Pascal Rophé and the Orchestre National des Pays de la Loire (Bis)

100th anniversary of Henri Dutilleux’s birth is a major event of the musical
year 2016.  The Orchestre
national des Pays de la Loire conducted by Pascal Rophé and
Bis records have honoured this great
composer with a recording of works from his earliest period, performed by the
orchestra of his native Angers.  The recording includes four world premiere recordings: Trois Tableaux Symphoniques ; excerpts
from the movie score : La Fille du DiableQuatre Mélodies with
orchestra and Trois Sonnets de Jean Cassou.

This new recording is the first in a planned series of collaborations between Bis Records,  Pascal Rophé and the Orchestre
National des Pays de la Loire in which
French repertoire  19th century to the present day will be featured.

Pascal Rophé is a
specialist interpreter of the music of Dutilleux and is much in demand for
concerts of his works, from Tokyo to Cardiff and London where he will lead the
BBC Symphony Orchestra in a Dutilleux Total
concert in
April.  You can find the new Bis-Dutilleux
recording on CD or for download. 

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